Monday, April 27, 2015

Supervised Agricultural Experience # 1: Teddy Krietz

Teddy Krietz- Beekeeping

When I first arrived at Bermudian, one part of the program that I was asked to help assist in was recruiting to the program. Being a member of the FFA on different levels, this was something that I was privileged to do. Then one day we were in the computer lab and the students were having an AET Recordbook day. This day would allow the students to update their records and be able to ask questions on their books. In Mrs. Jarema's classes you have to have a project or keep records on something because AET is part of the students overall grade. As I observed a student with a very distinct project caught my eye. I watched him as he uploaded photos of these white boxes. I finally went up to the student and asked " What are these boxes?" "What is your project?". Teddy finally responded with "Its beekeeping and those are their hives.". Never have I ever seen a students project be on bees! From then on I was interested and wanted to know more. So after figuring out schedules and agreeing on a time I was able to complete my first visit.
So my first SAE (Supervised Agricultural Experience) visit that Mrs Jarema and I conducted during my internship was with the ninth grade student named Teddy Krietz, whose SAE project was on Beekeeping. Teddy is in the Ag Mechanics I class and decided to start this project once they found out that he needed a project to keep records on. Teddy and his father toyed with the idea of started some hives before but with the cost of starting up the hives scared them away. Until they found this to be the prime opportunity and reason to  commit and go through with starting the beehives. While on the visit, Teddy showed me everything from the hives all the way to the tools and boxes that the bees are shipped in. It was so interesting and scary all at the same time. As long as I can remember I have always had this tiny fear of bees and it wasn't until this visit that my tiny fear was conquered. I knew that if my student could do it, I could do it and I am sure glad that I did. When we visited Teddy had just gotten in ~7 pounds of bees to start his hives. In order for the bees to adapt to their new home they must be coaxed into going in the hive. This is done by using food (sugar water) to lure them in there and once a drone gives the okay they will allow the queen bee in and begin the mating cycle. We were able to see this process after they have already adapted to their new hives. It was quite an amazing site to see the thousands of bees all over the hive just working. We were even able to spot the queen bee, which is typically hard because she blends in very well with the other bees. The only aspect that distinguishes her from the other bees is that she is a bit bigger than the rest, meaning she has a big bee-hind!
Teddy keeps his bees far away from his house in his backyard. They wanted to have the beehives close so they could monitor them and make sure nothing is snooping around that shouldn't be. This is good for Teddy because of being academically and extracurricular involved, this allows him the capabilities to take full on responsibility for this project. Teddy this year made the commitment of becoming a member of the Bermudian FFA and participated in his first public speaking contest this year!
By doing this project Teddy has opened the door for expansion in his project and by being a member of the FFA, he is capable of winning many awards for his project being different than a production animal project. This was definitely a new experience for me because I have never been or seen a honey bee operation before. Teddy has been a huge asset to the FFA program. By offering his information to being that extra helping hand, Teddy is a student that you can always count on. Especially when it comes to his updates about his honey bees!
Overall, I really enjoyed myself at this visit. It was so amazing to see how this operation works. Keep up the good work Teddy!

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Week 12: Is It Really Getting To Be The END??

Week 12: A Full Load

As I have gone back through my blogs to see my reflections for the past weeks it dawns on me that we only have three weeks left before its over. I feel as through it was just a week ago I was so nervous to even go into the classroom let along think I would make it through 12 weeks of solid teaching and interacting with other faculty and the students. As we get closer I get sad and more sad because of the relationships that I have made with the kids, my host family, community, and most importantly my cooperating teacher. Everyday I think about a certain quote that pertains to my life right now and it goes something like this "I am enough of a realist to understand that I can't reach every child, but I am more of an optimist to get up every morning and try." by Preston Morgan. It is my life motto ever since I started my student teaching experience. I have had the ups and the downs but more importantly it is and continues to be a learning experience that I will never forget. A wise man told me once to "Take your notes!" and I would of never thought with student teaching I have filled almost an entire notebook in chicken scratch. The one thing besides the students that I love so much about this experience is the variety in subjects and teaching styles that I have for different classes. I am very fortunate to be able to teach to their personalities and hopefully have them to continue to learn something new each day I teach.
As I have said before my classes are very different in each way. I call my animal science class my sleepy class because it is the first period of the day and the students are just about waking up. I make my lessons engaging and try new strategies but they are the tougher of my classes when I want to be over exuberant. Some will play along but others will just stare at me like I am a bug or something. It will be my longing goal to make sure that I am utilizing every strategy and trick up my sleeve to get them excited to be there. Period 2 and 7/8th period they are very rowdy and like to try and advert me from my lesson. I have however caught on to their tactics and shut them down. However I try to keep the class light and motivating to continue through, because in all honestly I love how rowdy they are. Oh we do put their rowdiness to work and they have proven to me that they can get work done when they put their minds to it. Period 3 is getting sick of the planting and transplanting of plants. I think the idea of being in the hot greenhouse on these lovely days is burning them out. However I seemed to solve the problem by just simply playing some music. I must say I am very proud on how hard they work and strive to achieve their goal for their plant sale to the community. They are coming up with some great ideas. Then there is my two sections of Ag Mechanics II, what gems they are! They are really getting into making their boot scraper project. I just wish that they would slow down some. They are trying to get finished and be done with the project but then they wonder why their project is wobbly and not working right. Both sections have so much potential and I continue to let them know that they need to take to their time rather than try to finish first.
Overall the week has been another stellar week. My Students are continuing to amaze me and really make me see what good each and every one of them has in their body. How just a little attention can go for a long way. Hopefully next week will be even better! Until then stay tuned!