Sunday, September 14, 2014

RTL Lesson Review

How To Make An Origami Butterfly?

For our 412 lab we had to teach an instructional lesson on how to do something. My how to was how to make an origami butterfly. Let me tell you not one of the easiest things to teach. Especially when you do not really know any background knowledge on the art of origami. This took some extra time out of class for me to look up some information on origami. As well as being able to teach it to myself. We were given a packet and unfortunately I was not able to learn how to make a butterfly from that packet. So I used my internet resources as well as YouTube and found a great video and ending up picking up the art within twenty minutes. However teaching it to myself was one thing, teaching it to my fellow classmates a whole different story. 
By being able to review my lesson it made it very clear on parts of my teaching that I need to work on and aspects that I am good at, but can continue to improve on. Being prepared is definitely a huge part in any time of teaching. If your not prepared the students will know and things can turn down hill fast. I was lucky in the fact that I did outside of class work and bettered my knowledge about the art and how to make a butterfly. However I definitely need to be prepared with what I am going to say and not get confused with what I am saying and trying to get across that to the students. I also need to back that preparedness up with confidence. I was very nervous with teaching this lesson because it was not something I knew like the back of my hand.I know not everything that I teach I am going to know very well and most likely will have to do more work, but it does help you in being prepared and confident while teaching.
I do believe that I was helpful and enthusiastic while teaching. On my peer reviews, most of them acknowledged my eagerness and willingness to help them when they needed assistance. Even though I did have a difficult lesson to teach, I tried to make the best of it with the time slot that I was allotted. Always remember reflection is key!

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